Frequently Asked Questions


How Long Does a Dental Visit Last?
Your first visit will last between 30 minutes to an hour. After that, checkups and cleanings take about a half hour. Dr. Nadia or our front-office team members can tell you approximately how long other types of visits should take. The time required for each visit depends on the procedures you will need.
Will You File My Insurance?
What Payment Options Do You Offer?
We accept cash, credit cards, and financing to qualified applicants.
Will Dr. Nadia See My Children?
Paradise Dental is a family dental care office. We're happy to provide quality care for all of your loved ones from ages 3 and up!
When Should My Child Have Dental X-Rays Taken?
We recommend taking X-rays around the age of 3. The first set consists of simple pictures of the front upper and lower teeth, which familiarizes your child with the process. Once the baby teeth are touching each other, then regular (at least yearly) X-rays are recommended. Permanent teeth start coming in around age six, and X-rays help us make sure your child’s teeth and jaw are healthy and properly aligned. If your child is at a high risk of dental problems, we may suggest having X-rays taken at an earlier age. The large majority of children suck their thumbs or fingers as infants, and most grow out of it by the age of four, without causing any permanent damage to their teeth. If you child continues sucking after permanent teeth erupt let us know and we can check to see if any problems are arising from the habit.
Wisdom Teeth: The good, bad, and ugly
Though wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, may not cause problems for everyone, these teeth are often removed to prevent more serious issues like an abscess or periodontal problems. Wisdom teeth typically begin to surface in the late teens to early 20s, often times staying impacted (submerged under the gums/bone) as they develop, growing sideways into the other teeth or angled forward.

 Wisdom teeth may erupt from the gumline or may stay impacted in the jaw. Partially erupted wisdom teeth may present several issues as these teeth are difficult to clean and care for. Common complications of partially impacted wisdom teeth include pericoronitis (gum infection), which causes on-and-off pain, or localized periodontitis (bone and gum disease), where bone and possibly tooth structure of adjacent teeth become affected by the partially impacted wisdom tooth. Extractions are typically handled by a more experienced dentist or specialist, such as Dr. Nadia, since there are many vital structures and nerves that require a thorough understanding of the anatomy.
What About Medications Following a Procedure?
Depending on the procedure, Dr. Nadia may or may not prescribe pain medication and/or antibiotics. Please take them only as directed and call us if you have any questions.
If I’ve had the nerve removed from my tooth, why is it possible that it could hurt after a procedure?
Sometimes tooth infections spread to tissues under the roots of your tooth and cause pain. This will heal once the canals of your tooth are cleansed of the infection.
Why Do I Need a Crown After a Root Canal?
Doing a root canal removes its blood supply and inner support which weakens the tooth. If the infection is severe, or excessive tooth was needed to be removed, a crown is needed to maintain the strength of the tooth. Please chew on the other side from your root canal. Avoid sticky, chewy or crunchy foods to prevent cracking the tooth or your temporary if your final restoration has not been placed. If any problems arise, feel free to call the office.

Call us now at (972) 837-2929 and schedule your appointment!